What We Do

Climate Change Tracker

Our mission with Climate Change Tracker is to empower individuals and communities to take action against the global threat of climate change by providing a reliable, user-friendly platform for tracking and understanding its progression.
Check out https://climatechangetracker.org

Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023

Climate Change Tracker is part of the Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023 (IGCC) initiative with over 50 international climate scientists and over 20 organizations, providing updates of several key global climate indicators reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Dashboard, data, and insights on ClimateChangeTracker.org/igcc
Website https://igcc.earth
Paper Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023

Indicators of Global Climate Change 2022

Climate Change Tracker was part of the Indicators of Global Climate Change 2022 (IGCC) initiative with over 50 international climate scientists and over 20 organizations, providing updates of several key global climate indicators reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Paper Indicators of Global Climate Change 2022